Our allies are integral to our work, providing us with local knowledge, transportation, lodging, mapping, and promotional help. We truly appreciate their support.


Cortes Forestry General Partnership: www.cortesforestrypartnership.com
Cortes Community Forest Cooperative: cortescommunityforestcoop.wordpress.com
Cortes Island Children's Forest Trust: www.corteschildrensforesttrust.org
Wildstands Alliance: wildstands.wordpress.com
Misty Isles Adventures: www.mistyislesadventures.com
Savage Woodworking: savagewoodworking.ca
Ancient Forest Alliance: ancientforestalliance.org
Watershed Forest Alliance: www.watershedforestalliance.ca
Public & Private Workers of Canada: www.ppwc.ca
Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group: www.hulquminum.bc.ca
Wilderness Committee: www.wildernesscommittee.org
Sierra Club of BC: sierraclub.bc.ca
Ecoforestry Society: ecoforestry.ca
Fungi Perfecti: www.fungi.com

Become an ally

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.